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Introduction - Trunk and Pelvic Stabilization Program


The spine is only able to support small amounts of weight without the help of the surrounding muscles. Therefore, maintaining very good core strength is important to having a healthy, pain-free spine. The core stabilization program is a series of exercises designed to improve balance, coordination, strength, and endurance of the trunk and pelvic muscles. Gentle, regular stretches of the legs and spine are also necessary to balance the core muscles, and minimize stress across the joints.

In any exercise program, it is important to focus on setting up a strong foundation for the exercises to avoid unnecessary stress on the body. It is important to begin with the spine in a neutral position. This position is achieved by gently tightening the abdominal muscles to draw in the pelvis. As a result, the hips come forward and the curvature of the low back flattens to a firm, but comfortable position. This position not only balances the forces on the spine, but it relieves pressure on the low back and sacrum where they contact the floor or mat.

Begin with the beginner program and gradually work towards the advanced and physio-ball progressions. The lower intensity sessions can be performed daily as long as it is comfortable. The higher intensity sessions may be performed every other day to give your body time to recover from the exercises.

You may find certain exercises cause an increase in your low back or leg symptoms (if present). It is best to avoid the exercises that cause pain, or limit the extent of the exercise. For instance, patients with spinal stenosis may not feel comfortable extending the spine to the degree recommended in the animation. Perform the exercise to the best of your ability. If it is too tender, only do the exercises that you feel comfortable doing.

Disclaimer: The exercises described on this web site may not be appropriate for everyone. All individuals should consult their physician regarding the advisability of undertaking the activities suggested in this program. The Illinois Spine & Scoliosis Center is neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from this program or the use of the exercises or exercise devices described herein.

Intermediate Trunk

Pelvic Tilt / Draw In

  • Both feet on floor
  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Hold each rep 5 seconds


  • Both feet on floor
  • Hold each rep for 5 seconds
  • 2 sets of 1 minute or 20 reps
  • Rest 30 seconds between sets

Dead Bug

  • Move left arm, then left leg
  • Move right arm, then right leg
  • Hold each rep for 5 seconds
  • 1 set of 2 minutes

Prone Arm & Leg Lifts

  • Lift straight right leg, then lift straight left leg
  • Lift left arm, then right arm
  • Hold each rep for 5 seconds
  • Repeat set 5 times

Prone Arm & Leg Lifts Bent

  • Lift bent right leg, then lift bent left leg
  • Lift left arm, then right arm
  • Hold each rep for 5 seconds
  • Repeat set 5 times

Partial Sit-ups

  • Move feet and elbows and do half a sit-up
  • Hold each rep 5 seconds
  • Repeat set 10 times

Advanced Trunk

Bridging - both legs on wall

  • Both feet on wall
  • 5 reps with feet 2” above the ground
  • 5 reps with feet 4” above the ground
  • 5 reps with feet 6” above the ground
  • Hold each rep for 5 seconds

Bridging - one leg on floor

  • Alternate one foot on the ground
  • Hold each rep for 5 seconds
  • 2 sets of 1 minute or 20 reps

Dead Bug

  • Move left arm, then left leg
  • Move right arm, then right leg
  • Hold each rep for 10 seconds
  • 1 set of 2 minutes

Prone Diagonals

  • Lift straight right leg, then lift straight left leg
  • Lift left arm, then right arm
  • Hold each rep for 5 seconds
  • Repeat set 10 times

Partial Sit-ups

  • Move feet and elbows and do half a sit-up
  • Hold each rep 5 seconds
  • Repeat set 10 times

Partial Rotation Sit-ups

  • Both feet on wall
  • Hold 5 to 10 pound weight on chest
  • Do partial sit-up
  • Rotate to the left
  • Hold for 5 seconds
  • Rotate to the right
  • Hold for 5 seconds
  • Repeat set 10 times

Physio-Ball Progressions

Bridging - both feet on floor

  • Both feet on floor
  • Back on ball
  • Bridge up and hold for 1 minute
  • Repeat set 10 times

Bridging - one foot on floor

  • One foot on floor
  • Back on ball
  • Bridge up and hold for 1 minute
  • Alternate feet on the floor
  • Repeat set 10 times

Bridging - both feet on ball

  • Both feet on ball
  • Back on ground
  • Bridge up and hold for 1 minute
  • Repeat set 10 times

Bridging - one foot on ball

  • One foot on ball
  • Back on ground
  • Bridge up and hold for 1 minute
  • Alternate legs
  • Repeat set 10 times

Prone Flies

  • Hunch over ball
  • Optional weights in hands
  • Fly arms and legs out
  • Hold for 3 seconds
  • Repeat set 10 times

Prone Superman

  • Lay over ball
  • Move arms up with optional weights in hands
  • Hold for 3 seconds
  • Repeat set 10 times
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